February 14


Boldly Going Where No Fan Has Gone Before: ‘Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series’ – A New Book Release by Tom Salinsky

Star Trek: a cultural phenomenon that has captivated audiences worldwide for decades, encompassing an expansive universe that spans several TV series, movies, and countless pieces of merchandise. For fans and newcomers alike, delving into this vast world can seem daunting. However, Tom Salinsky’s new book, “Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series,” offers a unique and insightful journey through the iconic franchise, focusing on The Original Series, The Animated Series, and The Next Generation.

Scheduled for publication on 30th March 2024, with a recommended retail price of £20, this hardback edition is a treasure trove of trivia, analyses, and behind-the-scenes stories from the Star Trek universe. Spanning 224 pages, the book promises to be an essential addition to any fan’s collection. ISBN 9781399035040 marks the identifier for this anticipated work, which is available for pre-order at major online retailers, including Amazon.

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Why did the 23rd century still use salt-cellars? Was the creator, Gene Roddenberry, genuinely restricted from showing a woman’s belly button on television? These questions and more are explored within the pages of Salinsky’s book, offering fans a deeper understanding of the series’ quirks, production challenges, and the creative decisions behind some of its most memorable moments.

Tom Salinsky, a lifelong science fiction enthusiast, embarked on an ambitious project at the start of 2022: to watch every episode of Star Trek, from The Original Series through to Enterprise, at a pace of one episode per day. His dedication to experiencing the franchise in its entirety, coupled with his insights as a podcaster and author, provides a fresh perspective on the series that many have grown to love.

“Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series” covers the foundational elements of the franchise, from its inception with The Original Series to the continuation in The Animated Series and the evolution into The Next Generation. Salinsky’s book is not just a recount of episodes but an exploration of the series’ impact, including contributions from notable fans, actors, and broadcasters, offering a multifaceted view of Star Trek’s legacy.

In addition to celebrating the series’ triumphs and acknowledging its missteps, Salinsky’s work is a compendium of fascinating behind-the-scenes information. It’s a guide to the evolving lore of Star Trek, answering questions about when certain concepts were introduced and how the series’ universe expanded over time.

Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or a casual viewer, “Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series” promises an engaging read, inviting you to join Tom Salinsky on his daily journey through the highs and lows of this seminal series. It’s an exploration of how Star Trek has continued to engage, inspire, and provoke thought among its audience, remaining a pivotal part of science fiction history.

About the Author:
Tom Salinsky is a multifaceted writer, podcaster, and corporate coach based in London. His previous works include collaborations on “The Improv Handbook” and “Best Pick: A Journey Through Film History and the Academy Awards.” “Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series” marks his first solo book, showcasing his passion for storytelling and the Star Trek universe.