April 02

5 things to do at Danes Hill School, Oxshott, Surrey

At Danes Hill School, students have the opportunity to partake in a diverse array of activities designed to enhance their educational journey and personal growth:

  1. Participation in the School Community: The school fosters an environment where students are encouraged to take an active role in the school community. This could be through involvement in the school council, engaging in discussions, and contributing to decisions that affect student welfare. Emphasizing kindness, mutual support, and community involvement, the school encourages students to engage in charitable activities and support initiatives that benefit both the school and the broader community.
  2. Broad and Diverse Curriculum: Offering a rich and varied curriculum, the school provides numerous extracurricular opportunities in sports, music, drama, and art. Modern languages form a significant part of the educational experience, with students learning French from the start and Spanish introduced from Year 4. There’s also an opportunity for older students to advance their language studies by taking a Modern Foreign Language GCSE.
  3. Inclusive Learning Support: Recognizing the unique learning needs of each student, Danes Hill extends comprehensive support across various learning difficulties and challenges, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to thrive in a supportive educational environment. This approach ensures each child’s educational journey is as fulfilling and enjoyable as possible.
  4. Outdoor Learning Experiences: Leveraging its extensive grounds and scenic Surrey location, the school encourages outdoor learning and exploration. Activities and projects that engage with the natural environment allow students to celebrate seasonal changes and foster a deeper connection with the world around them.
  5. Cultural and Educational Expeditions: To enrich the students’ learning experiences further, the school organizes cultural and educational trips. For example, visits to significant exhibitions or places of interest in and around London offer immersive learning experiences outside the classroom, broadening students’ cultural horizons and enhancing their understanding of the arts and society.

Danes Hill School aims to provide a holistic education, nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate the complexities of the world.