March 24

Stand Up for Yourself – How and When to Take Action

It’s important to always try and stand up for yourself, but when your relationship or a job is on the line, it can become tricky. And, just because you’re an adult, it doesn’t mean it’s any easier either, because you have to think about the consequences of your actions. However, there are certain times in life where it’s important to stand up for yourself so that you can protect your dignity, self esteem and sometimes, your sanity. If you’re in a situation that’s causing you problems, you might think that sitting back and letting it happen might seem like the best option. But if you truly think about it, it’s not going to solve it either. So, let’s take a look at some of the times where it’s important to stand up for yourself.

When someone else hurts you physically

Nobody wants to be physically hurt, but unfortunately, it happens. It might be because someone was purposefully aggressive towards you, or it might be due to negligence. Either way, it’s important to make sure that person faces the consequences of that action, particularly if you’ve had to pay for medical treatment because of it. You may even need to get the police involved, but you should definitely look into speaking with a criminal solicitor to help deal with your case, especially when it’s an aggravated assault.

When you’re being discriminated against

It’s a sad part of life, but discrimination happens every single day, and some people don’t even realise it’s happening. While a minority group is more susceptible to discrimination, it can happen to anyone because of your race, gender, or even your sexuality. If you think it’s happening to you, see what kinds of actions you could be taking. For example, if it’s at work, can someone back you up as a witness so you can take it to your employer? Or, are there any laws against this kind of behaviour? Clue yourself up so you can stand up for yourself.

When you’re being bullied

When you hear the word bullying, you often think of children in a playground. But, it can happen in adult life too. Whether you’re experiencing a bully at work or you’re having trouble at home in your relationship, it’s essential to take a stand. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation, but you might need to muster the strength to leave your job or move elsewhere not just for your sanity, but for your safety too.

When you need time for you

Finally, everyone needs time alone to relax and unwind. But, when family, friends, and other commitments are constantly needing your attention, it can be difficult to find that time. You may even feel obliged to do things you don’t want to do. Time alone isn’t just about personal enjoyment; it’s about taking time for your mental health too. So, when you’re being hounded to do these things, it’s important to learn how to say no for the sake of your mental health and well-being.