March 20

5 Things to Know About Spencer Jones’ “Making Friends” at Soho Theatre

Laughing Through Life’s Transitions: Spencer Jones’ ‘Making Friends‘ Unveils the Absurdity of Adulthood at Soho Theatre

1. A Comedy of Relocation and Reflection: After a significant move from London to Devon in the wake of lockdown, Spencer Jones channels his life changes into comedy gold with “Making Friends”. This show is not just about laughs; it’s a heartfelt journey through the trials and tribulations of moving closer to family and the beach, only to question if it was the right move after all.

2. Accolades and Critical Acclaim: Spencer Jones is no stranger to the spotlight, with his unique blend of absurdity and artful comedy earning him rave reviews. Critics from The Times to The Guardian have praised his ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, with “Making Friends” being no exception. This show has been celebrated for its gleefully madcap humor and solid belly laughs, making it a must-see.

3. A Personal Yet Universal Story: At its heart, “Making Friends” is Spencer’s most personal show yet, delving into themes of isolation, mental health, and the complexities of fatherhood. But it’s his universal message, the struggle to maintain social connections in a new environment, that strikes a chord with audiences. Through surreal humor and relatable storytelling, Spencer takes us on a journey that is both uniquely his and unmistakably everyone’s.

4. Signature Surrealism with a Touch of the Absurd: Known for his surreal comedic style, Spencer does not disappoint with his latest offering. Expect songs about eggs, speaking feet, and an aggressive chicken feud, all part of a narrative that explores what it means to slowly crumble under the weight of new beginnings. It’s a blend of the bizarre and the deeply human, proving that humor can be found in the most unexpected places.

5. A Diverse Talent with a Stellar Résumé: Beyond the stage, Spencer Jones has made a name for himself on television, starring in and creating shows that have captured audiences far and wide. From “Mr Winner” and “The Mind of Herbert Clunkerdunk” to appearances in “Ted Lasso” and “Live at the Apollo”, Spencer’s comedic range is on full display in “Making Friends”. This show is a testament to his versatility and ability to connect with viewers and live audiences alike.

“Making Friends” is more than just a comedy show; it’s a reflection on the human experience, wrapped in the warmth and wit of one of the UK’s most innovative comedians. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to Spencer Jones, this show at the Soho Theatre is an engaging, thought-provoking, and hilariously absurd journey through the ups and downs of life and moving on.