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5 things to do today to get that new job with Interview Fit


Are you job hunting? Do you need some help?

Have a professional CV service write a high impact CV for you

Our CV writing service will put you in the strongest possible position for interview selection

Invest in professional interview preparation

Our interview skills coaching and preparation will help you succeed at your interview

Work with a professional career and recruitment specialist

We deliver a one-to-one consultative service to match your specific requirement

Tailor your cover letter for the role and company

Our cover letter writing service will highlight your strong match the position

Create and optimise a LinkedIn profile

We create LinkedIn profiles that build professional networks and gain industry attention

Why leave an application for that perfect job to chance?

Email or call 01252 725 509 today, we’ll be delighted to discuss your objectives and assist you.

Please visit the website for more information.

Be interview ready, be Interview Fit – we give you the advantage.

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