5 inspirational things to do today from Rafia Khan

We are very grateful to fashion blogger Rafia Khan for sharing her 5 inspirational things. Please have a look at Rafia’s Fashion diary for more inspiration.

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We all need a little inspiration once in a while. So here are the 5 Inspirational Things I Do Everyday:


I often Smile at Strangers, you never know whose day you make by just smiling at them.


I offer financial help to a handless beggar everyday. Its been several years since I have been doing this.. I even stop by for a minute or two to check on his health and well being once in a while. On days I am short of change, he just smiles and waves at me.


I believe in spreading positive vibes and make sure I do it every single day, be it at workplace, while travelling or home. I have been titled a “life-saver” by many friends and family members for being positive and optimistic in times their difficult times. It’s kind of funny, but I am a self-claimed counselor. Be it post break-up recovery or loss of job, I can comfort people and inspire them to move on in life.


I promote healthy eating to the T. Be it organic foods, vegan diet or detox.. I am all for a fit and healthy living.


Last but not the least, I inspire people to love themselves just the way they are, irrespective of their body types.

My mantra is “You have to love yourself, for others to love you”

If you would like to get involved then please e-mail your 5 things to 5thingstodotoday@gmail.com.

Thanks for reading.
